The ISM is moving to Schweinfurt!

ISM High School Science field trip to Cummins

The ISM wishes Merry Christmas and a happy new year

We wish all our students, our staff and all families a merry Christmas and a very happy 2016.

Blind for an hour

Im Rahmen unserer Deutschlektüre “Vorstadtkrokodile” beschäftigen wir uns mit dem Thema “Behinderung”. Damit die Schüler einmal erleben, wie es ist, mit einer Behinderung zu leben, wurden ihnen die Augen verbunden. So durchlebten sie für einen gewisse Zeit ihren Alltag blind. Das war eine spannende und neue Erfahrung.

Frau Körber

Being blind for an hour!!!

In school and at home we were trying to see how it was like being blind, because in class we are reading  the book “Vorstadtkrokodile”. In the book there is a young boy named Kurt and he is in a wheelchair so we are trying to understand how it is like being a kid with disabilities and they way they live.

In my own home it was easy but hard and I felt like I can now understand people with disabilities better and how they feel when they can’t see. All of the everyday things that we do will out thinking become hard and complicated.

When I was blind I had to:

-Walk up/downstairs

-Eat breakfast

-Open my advent calendar and figure out what it was

-Try to figure out what movie / TV show I was watching

-Go to the bathroom( by myself )

-Getting changed

-Taking a shower

I found my experience very insightful . I would definitely try it again. By Breanna

Wenn man blind ist, weiß man nicht, wo man ist. Man kann sich schlecht orientieren, man kann nicht wissen ob die Sonne scheint und man kann seinen Vater nicht sehen.

Man braucht Hilfe beim Laufen, man kann nicht allein schreiben und lesen.

Das Projekt war gut, um sich in Kinder, die blind sind, hineinversetzen zu können und kurz zu erfahren, wie der Alltag aussieht.

Mir ist dieses Experiment nicht leicht gefallen, weil es sehr schwer ist, sich allein außerhalb seines gewohnten Umfelds zu bewegen.

Man kann nicht TV schauen oder mit Freunden fangen spielen.
Alles, was wir als selbstverständlich erachten, erscheint einem, als Mensch, der nichts sehen kann, schwieriger und man muss mehr mit seinen anderen Sinnen arbeiten.   By Talih


For homework and in school I had to go blind for an hour because my class is looking at a book called “Vorstadtkrokodile” where a boy called Kurt has a disability and we are trying to feel how it would be like to have another disability, being blind. It is hard to be blind for even just ten minutes but I was blind for one hour. The first thing I did was eat a cupcake it was silly because I kept nearly dropping it. Then I tried to go upstairs it was hard because I had to guess how high my foot was and how high the step was but I eventually made it. Next I went and brushed my teeth, my sister thought it was funny because I got toothpaste all over my hands. After that I started playing with a huge plush bunny which me and my sister were both trying to belly flop on! I then went downstairs then my time was up!

By James

ISM Winterfest was a great success

Come to our ISM Winterfest, Saturday, 28.11.15

The ISM on the IB Student Registry platform

Grade 1 students present their dream jobs

Professional Development on “Inquiry Based Learning”